Monday, October 16, 2006

I've loved these days

Our days in Guatemala are coming to an end. I have really enjoyed are time here and this trip has gone quickly.
Yesterday we went to visit the city of Antigua, an old colonial city that was the capital untill a few eathquakes destroyed it. The city has been restored and is so pritty. Olivia rode in a car seat for the first time and she really enjoyed it. We had to carry her in the baby bijourn and she did good in that too.
Today we spent another day by the pool. Olivia slept and played, while her Mom worked on her tan. Vinay is so good at taking care of Liv, and he loves to get her all ralled up and crazy.
She really is a very content baby. But boy is she active we put her in a bouncy seat in the playroom and I thought she was going to flip it over she was bouncing so much. However when she sleeps that girl can sleep. Last night she went down at 9 got up at 5 for a bottel, and a diaper change, went back to sleep till 9. I am such a lucky Momma.
I must admit I am a bit sad to leave, we have enjoyed ourselves so much, and it pains me to take her away from her birthcountry. But I know the wonderful things waiting for her in NJ.
So tomorrow we land in Houston first and she is offically an american citizen. Then at 7 we land in NJ and she is offically our little jersey girl.
Thank you so much for your prayers for Olivia's homecoming. She is finally leaving on that jet plane, with us!!!!!!!!!!


HollyGee said...

Yippieee!!!! Another new little Jersey girl!!!!

You guys are going to have a wonderful day tomorrow:)

Alleen said...


Anonymous said...


You look so happy that it looks as if you're like 10 years younger. I haven't seen you look that happy in a long time. Thank God!
