Sorry to report I will be away from my computer for the rest of the week!!!
It's crunch time for my party planning.
As I write this I am also, folding laundry, emptying the dish washer, and sewing back together a hairbow for Olivia to wear to her party.
It seems that the birthday girl choose this week to be Velcro baby so I can only do things when she is asleep.
We also have something else keeping us busy, that I will write about in another post, but no it's not another baby, just in case your thoughts went there. Just not ready for that yet.
Sorry blogger friends I will try to catch up on blogs after the party!!!!
Enjoy your week everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, April 30, 2007
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Party Plans!!!!
We are in full swing with the party planning over here. I have purchased all the items for the goodie bags, the decorations that I purchased have come in, and I've started to buy food for the appetizers. A little over a week till the big day!!!!!!!
Here is the lawn sign I bought for the party. How funny is this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here is the lawn sign I bought for the party. How funny is this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, April 23, 2007
Bathing beauty
Here she is my little fishy. The last few days have been so nice here, 80 degrees. So yesterday we took a ride down the shore, of course I forgot my camera, and let Olivia play in the sand. She loved it, all she wanted to do was pick up sand and put it in my hand. I was worried I would have one of those babies you see running down the beach with the parents running after them, but not my Liv, she just sat right by our side, and watched other kids play, and played with the sand herself. But we'll see how long that lasts once she is walking.
Today I set up the baby pool and let her play in the water. She only played for a little while, I thought she would have liked it more. But then she got out and wanted to just sit by my side while I was laying on a towel getting some sun. Don't worry we both had sunblock on.
Then Daddy, who stayed home from work to spend some time with us since he has been traveling so much, brought out a plate of fries and chicken nuggets. Olivia ate a little then thought it was funny to throw the rest in the pool. Daddy of course thought this was funny also.
Here she is in her bikini
I love her little belly sticking out.
And how cute is the back of this suit with the criss cross.
Today I set up the baby pool and let her play in the water. She only played for a little while, I thought she would have liked it more. But then she got out and wanted to just sit by my side while I was laying on a towel getting some sun. Don't worry we both had sunblock on.
Then Daddy, who stayed home from work to spend some time with us since he has been traveling so much, brought out a plate of fries and chicken nuggets. Olivia ate a little then thought it was funny to throw the rest in the pool. Daddy of course thought this was funny also.
Friday, April 20, 2007
Bye bye bottels!!!!!!
We have started to get rid of the bottles. We did have a setback during the stomach virus, but we are back on track, and slowly getting there.
Usually Olivia has One full bottle in the AM, anywhere between 5-8am, yes still working on sleep issues, but much better. Then she would have half a bottle after each meal, and another full bottle before bed. Each week I'm taking away one of the after meal bottles, and then I plan to get rid of the night and morning.
So far we've lost the breakfast and lunch bottle, and she's done pretty good. Her appetite has been good since the stomach virus, so I know that's helped. As for sippy cups (the nubby ones)she uses them for water and is slowly accepting milk out of them. It's a work in progress and I was stressing about it, of course, but I'm glad she is easing into it. Now if anyone could tell me how to get rid of a pacifier I'd be set.
Have a great weekend everyone.
Haha mommy, you'll never get rid of my pacifier!!!!!!!
I get too happy, just thinking about having it!!!!!!
Ok, ok, we'll get rid of the bottles and then my binky!!!!!
Usually Olivia has One full bottle in the AM, anywhere between 5-8am, yes still working on sleep issues, but much better. Then she would have half a bottle after each meal, and another full bottle before bed. Each week I'm taking away one of the after meal bottles, and then I plan to get rid of the night and morning.
So far we've lost the breakfast and lunch bottle, and she's done pretty good. Her appetite has been good since the stomach virus, so I know that's helped. As for sippy cups (the nubby ones)she uses them for water and is slowly accepting milk out of them. It's a work in progress and I was stressing about it, of course, but I'm glad she is easing into it. Now if anyone could tell me how to get rid of a pacifier I'd be set.
Have a great weekend everyone.
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Stop the world I want to get off!!!
I haven't posted in awhile, because I have been trying to make sense of the recent tragedy at Virginia Tech. I cannot imagine the grief and pain being experienced by all affected. My heart just goes out to them, and my prayers are with them.
I'm not sure if it's because I am now a mother or what, but I just have this scared feeling that I just want to take my family and hide under a rock. The violence in today's world, especially in our society, is just sickening. I understand that guns don't kill people, people kill people, but the access that our citizens have to heavy artillery is alarming. Something has got to change. I want our world to change, but How?
These are the questions I've been wrestling with.
All I can do is hug my Liv a little tighter, and remind Vinay how much I love him. And trust that God will watch over my family and friends.
No pictures today, just a note to say that Liv is feeling much better and we are slowly getting rid of her bottles. More to come later in the week.
I'm not sure if it's because I am now a mother or what, but I just have this scared feeling that I just want to take my family and hide under a rock. The violence in today's world, especially in our society, is just sickening. I understand that guns don't kill people, people kill people, but the access that our citizens have to heavy artillery is alarming. Something has got to change. I want our world to change, but How?
These are the questions I've been wrestling with.
All I can do is hug my Liv a little tighter, and remind Vinay how much I love him. And trust that God will watch over my family and friends.
No pictures today, just a note to say that Liv is feeling much better and we are slowly getting rid of her bottles. More to come later in the week.
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Oh Poo
Last week I think I was finally inducted into the mommy club. I dealt with Olivia's first stomach virus. It started on Easter. She was not acting herself, and she did not want to eat. I thought it was just my Liv testing me. One of her, I'm not going to eat today and you can't make me, days. But then around 5pm it started. Diapers like I have never seen before, and it was happening every half hour. I mean how much can possibly be in a little person. Poor baby.
By Monday morning I knew I had to call the Dr. Thankfully she was not dehydrated, she continued to drink bottles, and her weight was good. All I could do was keep her hydrated and keep her comfortable. Of course this happens the week Vinay is away, so it was just me and Liv at 2am, changing her sheets, stripping her of her clothes, and doing loads of laundry. I went to my Mom's everyday because I could not face the whole time alone.
I must say that, usually I crumble under pressure. I have been know to cry when she gets a cold, or literally scream after a cranky day of teeth coming in. But this time I was different. I was so on top of everything. Doing laundry, running errands, making her chicken soup and even doing stuff for her party, we even managed to fit in a dance party video. I turned into super Mom. Of course as soon as Vinay got home I crashed and took a 2 hour nap. But I did it, I survived, and on my own, sort of. Perhaps I'm stronger than I think.
Of course now we are dealing with the Diva phase of the virus. "Mommy why aren't you holding me all day any more?" "What I have to sit in a highchair?" or the worst "Mommy it's 4am and I'm up, where are you?"
Ahhh Motherhood the hardest job you'll ever love!!!
I bought Olivia her first set of big Lego's, since she liked playing with the set at the Dr. office.
"No camera's please, my hair is not done, I have a load in my pants and a killer diaper rash."
By Monday morning I knew I had to call the Dr. Thankfully she was not dehydrated, she continued to drink bottles, and her weight was good. All I could do was keep her hydrated and keep her comfortable. Of course this happens the week Vinay is away, so it was just me and Liv at 2am, changing her sheets, stripping her of her clothes, and doing loads of laundry. I went to my Mom's everyday because I could not face the whole time alone.
I must say that, usually I crumble under pressure. I have been know to cry when she gets a cold, or literally scream after a cranky day of teeth coming in. But this time I was different. I was so on top of everything. Doing laundry, running errands, making her chicken soup and even doing stuff for her party, we even managed to fit in a dance party video. I turned into super Mom. Of course as soon as Vinay got home I crashed and took a 2 hour nap. But I did it, I survived, and on my own, sort of. Perhaps I'm stronger than I think.
Of course now we are dealing with the Diva phase of the virus. "Mommy why aren't you holding me all day any more?" "What I have to sit in a highchair?" or the worst "Mommy it's 4am and I'm up, where are you?"
Ahhh Motherhood the hardest job you'll ever love!!!
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Vinay is away so it's dance party time!!!!!!!
Everything is set for Olivia's big bash. It is a fiesta theme, so we will be serving food from south of the border. There will be a taco station, a fajita station, and lots of chips and salsa.
For the kids, chicken nuggets and quasadillas. We are also going to have one of those balloon jump things for the kids. And finally Vinay has arranged for a DJ to be there.
All of this is to take place in our backyard. Pray for no rain on May 5.
The invites are out. The caterer has been booked. The rentals have been booked. I am happy that we are making a big deal, but let me tell you this will be the last big party till this little girl gets married!!!!!!.
I wish everyone could come, even my blogger friends.
So here is a preview of the celebrating we will be doing for Olivia big fiesta!!!!
Monday, April 09, 2007
Happy Easter, and a thank you
We had a great easter. We went to my Aunts and Liv got to hang out w/ her cousins, well there my cousins kids. Liv even got to participate in the egg hunt.
Mommy and Liv coloring eggs on good Friday, and tradition my Mom and I have done all these years. And finally Liv was here to do them with us.
Olivia and her cousin Charlotte. Liv is eyeing up that binky.
Happy Easter everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Finally, thank you to my Secret Blogger Pal. We got our package on Saturday, and it included a cute outfit for Liv, some great socks for me, and even a little chick for my little chick. We loved it all. THANK YOU.
Hope everyone had a great Easter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Finally, thank you to my Secret Blogger Pal. We got our package on Saturday, and it included a cute outfit for Liv, some great socks for me, and even a little chick for my little chick. We loved it all. THANK YOU.
Hope everyone had a great Easter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
Lazy nights
One of our favorite part of the day is when we are hanging out watching TV at night.
Our little cuddle bug and daddy.
"Daddy why is Sanjaya still on American Idol? Are you sure your not voting for him?"
Still party planning over here, I hope to have the invites out by the end of the week. The theme is a fiesta. Details to follow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Still party planning over here, I hope to have the invites out by the end of the week. The theme is a fiesta. Details to follow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sunday, April 01, 2007
Olivia meets Luca and 1 month till Liv is1 !!!!!!
Well it is already April, and we have ALLOT going on. I only have 1 month to plan Liv's big birthday bash. We wanted to do a huge party, tons of people, pony rides, the works. Well now that it is so close and I have done nothing to plan this. I suggested a nice small party w/ just our family. Vinay convinced me that we need to have a big party. So for the next month I will be planning the BIG BASH.
So if my blogging lapses, and I don't get to comment on other blogs to often, please forgive me. I'll be back when I get things under control.
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